Courses Taught by Dr. Hazeli

Engineering Design and Materials Selection
In this course students will learn the design and materials selection process of engineering materials. Content is focused on key steps of the engineering design process including need identification, embodiment, conceptual design, gathering information on existing products, establishing the engineering characteristics, and types of design. In addition, the principles of cognitive psychology in design are discussed. Mechanical properties of engineering materials (e.g., yield/ultimate strength, fracture toughness, fatigue life) which are often used in engineering design practice and materials selection process are presented. Specific examples regarding materials selection strategy for optics components, armor materials, heat exchanger, aerospace, and hypersonic flight components are discussed. Finally, nature-inspired design philosophy followed by the application, design process, and performance of multifunctional materials are presented.

Materials and Manufacturing Process
This course describes the selection and properties of engineering materials and gives an overview of various manufacturing processes, such as, casting, forming, drawing, machining, welding, and additive manufacturing. Students learn: how to identify potential materials appropriate for use in a given application; determine suitable processes for making material into a final product; and understand the effect of different manufacturing variables on the mechanical properties of the final products. The costs associated with the different materials and processes is discussed.

Fracture Mechanics
This course presents the response of a solid to an external force, deformation mechanics in crystalline materials, crack formation process from crystallography perspective, and linear elastic fracture mechanics and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics. This course covers topics from the foundation and use of linear-elastic facture mechanics involving both-based characterizing parameter and G-based energy approaches to characterize the fracture toughness of materials under plane strain and non-plane strain conditions.

Advanced Materials for Aerospace Structures
This course describes the mechanics of composite materials including elastic behavior and strength of composite. Elastic behavior, strength and failure mechanisms of composites under different loading situation are discussed and explored from both micromechanical and macromechanical perspectives.